Thursday, February 2, 2012

1999 Ford escort zx2, the automatic locks keep make a humming sound and keep locking the door. What do I do?

I have a 1999 Ford escort zx2. The automatic locks began to malifunction. Once the doors are locked there is a loud humming noise that goes on all night, and the doors keep locking themselves. I have to use my keys to unlock the door as remote will unlock the door, but then is locked back up. Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it.1999 Ford escort zx2, the automatic locks keep make a humming sound and keep locking the door. What do I do?that is a problem , first i would see if there is a fuse in fuse panel for locks and pull it out . sounds like it could eventually cause a fire maybe1999 Ford escort zx2, the automatic locks keep make a humming sound and keep locking the door. What do I do?on most cases there is one sensor which is inside the doorlock actuator that is not working,,

but there are a lot of possibilities,,relay ,,main switch,,,module,,,shorted circuit,,doorlock actuator..

check for any sign of water moisture on your fuse box under the dash,,,1999 Ford escort zx2, the automatic locks keep make a humming sound and keep locking the door. What do I do?Sounds like a sensor to me, but mine didn't have power locks. Somewhere, a sensor is somehow telling the actuator that you are trying to lock them. Take it to a dealer, they'll figure it out quick. Good luck.

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